2017 Holiday Gift Guide | His + Hers + Home

'Tis The Season

Vegan and cruelty-free options are not just for the dinner plate anymore, my friends! Dusty and I have been really focusing on becoming more conscious consumers, all across the board this past year. We're definitely beginners at this, but we have done a much better job of cutting back on what we don't need, donating what we no longer use, and thinking twice before frivolous purchases.

A large part of being a conscious consumer is steering clear of products that are made at the expense of another being's life and/or well-being. While we don't aspire to perfection, we have done our very best to look for vegan alternatives and eliminate fur, leather, and wool goods from our shopping bags. 

Below are some of our top picks for Him, for Her, and for your House + Home!

* All images are clickable!


2017 Holiday Gift Guide

His + Hers + Home

vegan + cruelty-free


New EatMoveRest Apparel

The perfect gift (in my humble opinion!)


your best, in our brand new super soft, sponge fleece sweatshirt!

The Reason For The Season

Hope: Deferred good, difficult, but possible.

Have hope this holiday season!  Especially around Christmas time, it can be difficult to cope with the absence of loved ones from our lives, to deal with strained relationships, and to manage stress. God provided a promise when he gave us Christ, our Savior. Advent is a time of hope, a period of waiting, for something that seems almost too difficult to be possible—that a child would be born and die for our sins, and then go on to Rise again, to save us all! If that is possible, then whatever it is that you’re going through that seems too difficult to be possible, is in deed possible! Let your faith be stronger than your fear, Ask for what it is that you want/need, and Trust that it will be given to you. God is capable of fulfilling our wildest dreams!

Happy Holidays! Stay tuned for a delicious and festive treat, coming to the blog soon!


Designed For Your Lifestyle,


Erin Stanczyk | EatMoveRest